Through the app you can join in the concert. The guys spend most of the time playing music uninterrupted but at certain times you can add to it. I thought it might be a bit naff (as many apps are) but I was curious to know how it would work. The app - I think the bass player wrote it - was very clever and at each stage, your little screen told you to 'sit and listen to the music and enjoy it' or 'shake your phone vigorously' to speed up the camel onscreen (and thereby the speed of the music) or a variety of other actions.
Now, why would you want to do that? I hear you ask - well it was fun.
And then we could vote for different styles of music, add chords to a melody line projected on screen which they would play, create a drum rhythm. You can visually design music on your phone and then upload it to their Ipads for them to play. But the music was not compromised as they were brilliant improvisors and their musicianship more than compensated for any vague idea of music the audience might aspire to. But for anyone who is interested in how music technology can be used in performance, this was a very good example - including adding film soundtrack as a sample beat. They used film in the screen visually reacting to the sounds of the music but in the end, they were totally in command of their instruments - I am listening to Tony playing piano on YouTube as we speak - beautiful.
For a musician, I imagine this performance would offer up lots of ideas. They are playing again tonight, that is Thursday 26 May, so I recommend to anyone interested in styles of performance, music, technology or just want a very different experience - pass it on and make sure you charge your phone up before you go!